Visiting Blessing is always a heartwarming experience. He was once an orphan, a child who faced the...
Greetings from JesusFedMe! We exalt the glory of God for His boundless mercy, unwavering love, and constant...
I’m excited to share with you a recent testament to God’s wonders that unfolded in the blink...
written by Dr. William Kirembwe, caretaker/foster parent As the Bible states, “Let the little children come to...
written by Iggy, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings beloved, I hope this article finds you well....
It is official; we have our very own orphanage, operated by Ignatious Sseremba. Currently, we have 11...
Namajja Hasifah, a 13-year-old girl, is living with chronic cheilitis, a condition characterized by recurrent inflammation of...
Dear beloved, I am pleased to inform you that the children under our care have returned to...
Do you recall the blind children who were once neglected, unloved, and ostracized by their parents and...
As Christians, we are called to be vessels for Christ’s love and message to flow through us...