This little fella was kicked out of his house and told to leave and never return. He...
How many of you know that love as a principle preaches the gospel besides signs and wonders?...
Around this time of the year, many Ugandans are troubled by the rampant immoral vices like sexual...
written by Iggy Sseremba, Greetings beloved, I’m pleased to inform you that our giant elementary school building...
It is a significant concern to have compassion on everyone, just as Jesus would have done. Missing...
written by William Kisuule, Pastor Greater Works Church in Lutembe, Uganda Greetings in Jesus’ Precious Name. My...
Greetings beloved, by Ignatius Ssereba, Pastor and Caretaker of Amazing Grace Church and Orphan Home. I’m so...
by Dr. William Kirembwe Praise our living God, today JesusFedMe resumed the medical help to Ms. Nantongo...
In this, we encountered different people in the community of Wobulenzi, young, youths, and old. Different families...
INTRODUCING THEM IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, by Ignatious Sseremba. Greetings beloved,I thank God for our orphan program. Our...