What are you doing for the kingdom of God? The bible says let the greatest among you...
Thank you
Parents/guardians now find themselves in a tight corner as they cant raise enough money for both school...
From a makeshift camp below a road in the far region, children standing alongside the road watching...
It is a privilege and honor to work for God through JFM. The ministry has exposed me...
Great news for JFM as we managed to purchase a better car which will be used to...
We glorify God for whatever is going on with the ministry; we praise Jesus for the provisions...
It is JFM culture to have a deep conversation with the inhabitants of villages to find out...
It is not a secret that most Ugandans are facing their worst at the moment, as many...
Eight in every ten households in Uganda are either critically short on food or entirely out. Families,...
First, we thank everyone who donates to the ministry; despite these trying times, you continue to feed...