If you do not know how old JFM is, you may think it has existed for decades. Last year’s vision bearer Mr. Bill Wegener, dreamed of helping the hungry, and our budget then was around 70,000 Uganda Shillings per day. Today our daily budget is around 375,000 Uganda Shillings per day ($450 weekly). Hungry people needed food if they and their children stood a chance to survive. We look at this mission as a blessing and nothing short of that. We deliver 110 pounds of rice four times weekly as well as other items.
It is a great privilege to serve God in this manner, even though the devil often sends merchants of hate to cause us to fear. Get behind us, satan. You will lose.
We began our journey with the hope of helping one or two families daily with the gospel and food safety, always believing for God to add the increase. Today, we are known in over three districts as an organization representing Jesus’ love. Yet, as we deliver, we do not take credit or mention our name to those receiving our help. We are simply a delivery organization proclaiming Jesus’ love. Our core doctrine is NEVER to take credit or even so much as to say that it is from JesusFedMe; instead, we tell them that Jesus sent us because HE LOVES YOU.