For this 89-year-old granny, the excitement of being a granny lasted many years. Mrs. Dorothy tells a...
Bill Wegener
Born in Detroit Michigan in 1955. I went to school in Fenton, Iowa. Went to Shiloh College in Eugene Oregon. Married with two children. Director of JesusFedMe under Kingdom Advance Global Ministries International, LLC. Perfect example of "God can use anyone to do amazing things".
As a minor contributor, JFM has made a meaningful difference in the lives of orphans in Pakistan...
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. It’s by...
In 2021 Nanziri Juliet was diagnosed with cancer, and doctors gave her a new lease of life....
I was honored to lead Alex, Annette, Victoria, and Jackie to the Lord. What a wonderful day...
This started with deep sorrows after the loss of granny Namuddu Juliet whom JFM has been feeding...
The dry smile on Maria’s face is fleeting. It speaks of the many struggles of the 54-year-old...
Today’s update from the field is about two elderly individuals finding solace in Christ. Preaching the good...
There is no doubt that a considerable part of the Ugandan population is poor and not to...
Every day, we embark on a journey of over 100 kilometers, traveling from one village to another....