written by Iggy Sseremba, Greetings beloved, I’m pleased to inform you that our giant elementary school building...
Amazing Grace Church
Greetings beloved, by Ignatius Ssereba, Pastor and Caretaker of Amazing Grace Church and Orphan Home. I’m so...
This borehole helps multiple families with clean water. These people have been paying for water, but now...
We are so proud of our dear donors; this would be impossible without you. We remain indebted...
JFM vision bearer papa Bill Wegener and Mr. Reno had a trip to Uganda, a ten-day visit...
Written By Ignatious Sseremba, Pastor of Amazing Grace Church and Orphanage Greetings beloved,In the last couple months...
OUR BOREHOLE WELL WAS FULLY COMPLETED, by Ignatious Sseremba. Amazing Grace Church and the extensive range of...
Greetings beloved, An entire village, Amazing Grace Church, and the neighborhood have had a huge problem finding...
Food Production written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of the Orphan Farm Greetings beloved,I grew up seeing agriculture...
“JFM RESPONDS WITH A SERIOUS THOUGHT” The article was written by Ignatious Sseremba (Iggy). Amazing Grace Church....