The following is a note that we received from Ignatios Sseremba:
There’s a sub-county in northeastern Uganda called BUZIBWERA. It’s located in the Luweero District. This sub-county has had a great borehole, but it’s a single borehole. The community residents said this borehole had been here for 11 years now.
But as the population increases, the water demand is also increasing; this sub-county has over 2000 families, about 7000 people on average.
We can see that a single borehole is vulnerable to serving this population, water for irrigation & animal consumption. Adults & kids come from about 5km walking on foot to fetch water from this borehole. Since the water demand is increasingly hiking so high, these residents find themselves standing in a very long queue for a long time (a teenager mentioned waiting for 10 hours). Previously on the 19th of this April, this borehole sustained a severe mechanical fault that needed repair on the primary bearings & pipes, and miraculously “JESUSFEDME(JFM) ministry “ helped us repair this well for over 700,000 UGX repair expense, and of today, am glad to mention that the borehole is working well.
The community is glad about this. But, as we believe in God, in the future, if God wishes, we can have another borehole installed in another site of this same community to serve the demand, which is no longer a demand but a problem.
NOTE: We at JFM would like to thank Ignatios for helping to make this happen. The local community needed the repair desperately.