This article was written by Igantious Sseremba, director of Mashriki Children’s Home. Greetings beloved, In this short...
Amazing Grace Church
Katende Isa lives in Buteera village under the comforting shade of a gnarled old tree. Katende Isa...
Greetings beloved, My name is Ignatius Sseremba, and I am the vision bearer of Amazing Grace Church....
We have been doing ours weekly since breaking what we have achieved in the entire week of...
written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings beloved,I hope this finds you well, Esther...
I want to share a heartwarming story about Nassozi Magret, a proud beneficiary of the Jesus Commissioned...
Greetings, dear friends, I want to share the story of Marita, a 90-year-old woman facing mobility challenges...
Namajja Hasifah, a 13-year-old girl, is living with chronic cheilitis, a condition characterized by recurrent inflammation of...
During his previous mission trip to our country, Mr. Bill Wegener, our beloved director, witnessed the struggles...
Dear beloved, I am pleased to inform you that the children under our care have returned to...