William’s testimony
William is my name. My name means something Sweet, but I went through the shadow of misery.
My mother is a very poor woman. Being poor made her lose the dignity of womanhood in her life with constant wandering from village to village into different landlords’ Houses. I would pray to God to do something incredible in our lives, seeing my mother being chased from house to house because of money for rent.
My eyes would feel clouds of tears whenever mom would be abused by the landlords—thinking about many things to do to rescue the situation but failing to find the best condition. Whether your young problems can not respect you, whether you are poor, or even of low social class, they will still come. I used to repeat the exact words loudly, telling myself day by day. I trusted God and prayed with hopes of getting a glittering answer one day. So being homeless became part of my mother and me. The pain, the tears which rolled from our eyes down our cheeks, became part of our daily food.
The shame that every woman gets when seen naked by her son can be compared to the same shame my mother would face whenever embarrassed before her son and other people because of not managing to pay rent. The mother ostrich does not feed its young one, and this makes it to be a bad mother! But she fed her son as all women do, which is one of the best things a mother can offer to her child, but still, she would be called a bad mother before her own son by the landlords. She accepted to be stupid as people could call her because she was never able at the end of each month to pay the money for rent. When you’re poor, anyone can call you what they feel like because they see no hope in you and no success in your path, so was my mother.
So many years, of suffering and grieving as someone who has just lost a beloved one is what my mother and I went through because of poverty. I would lament day by day, ”
“I can punish you, poverty!”
“I can throw you on rubbish pit carelessly because I hate you, poverty!”
“And, you will never be my friend because you can torture a lot, poverty!”
My mother would feel more hurt and hot inside her heart, seeing her son not happy yet without will power to command the suffering to stop in our lives. I would get somewhere private, where I could hide and cry, asking God to do something miraculous that could drive anybody to pay rent for my mother or contact us where to live. Without answer, so many years approximately 50 of crying and pain, homeless and lack of what to eat but still insisting to pray to Almighty. With continued prayers without ceasing later alone, William was answered.
God brought someone who acted as an angel to help us lift up. I will get a job after school and start working with the help of a person I call an angel of our lives. My mother was given a mansion house, and all her tears ended there.
We will live a wealthy life, thereafter school and until. I ( William) and my mother will testify for the Lord where ever we will get an opportunity because He lifts the poor from the dust and makes them sit with princes of his own people (book of Samuel). After school, mom and I will have more than enough in our lives and can also serve to help others.

By Kirembwe George William
Special thanks to;
- Jesusfedme (JFM) for buying the materials.
- Local Church for providing the free labor.
- Thank you GOD for providing the hearts of love.