Unedited; Written by William Kirembwe, Foster Parent At the start of this term, all the orphaned children...
Dr William Kirembwe
William Kirembwe is a dedicated medical practitioner based in Uganda. Born on May 22, 1998, I pursued my education at Butayunja Primary School, Nakaseke International College, and Kampala Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). In addition to my professional responsibilities, I have taken on the role of a foster parent to seven children, despite being single. I contribute to my community as an associate at JesusFedMe, where I serve as a doctor. My linguistic abilities encompass fluency in both Luganda and English. Moreover, I hold the esteemed position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at MMC.
JFM helps a boy with a fractured bone. About two weeks ago, Kato Edgar, a young boy,...
We live in a world where the future is uncertain. Only our Lord Jesus knows what tomorrow...
I greet you all in Jesus’ name with great thanks and appreciation. Today, I have an update....
written by Dr. William Kirembwe, JFM doctor In the wee hours during a rainy period last night,...
Written by our very own Dr. William Kirembwe We are thrilled by the good news today of...
written by Dr. William Kirembwe Beyond reasonable doubt, we believe Jesus has used the health sector to...
I was born on May 22, 1998, in Uganda, a country recovering from a political war. My...
written by Dr. William Kirembwe, Medical Dr./JFM associate Paul was relieved from an intestinal obstruction (I.O), a...
written by Dr. William Kirembwe, JFM Dr. at MMC We will continue our mission until Jesus returns....