Wandered enough, suffered enough, thousands of Ugandans came as refugees during the deadly 1994 Rwandan genocide. Thus, they never had a chance of acquiring land to settle permanently which explains their constant starving and suffering. They tried to integrate into local communities as they are unable to return to their country which was hit with famine and other dangerous factors.
Returning to their motherland is not the agenda as many try to struggle and build a better future for themselves. The most challenging problem is food since they have no land to cultivate.
Living a miserable life is the order of the day by many people here in Uganda which is why non-government organizations like Jesusfedme came in at a perfect time to help. Imagine women who came barefooted, men who came bare-chested carrying children seeking for a safe environment until now they haven’t met satisfaction in living. This human plight is a burden to local communities. Unlike in developed countries where refugees are often catered to, in Africa the story is totally opposite.