I want to start today by giving God the glory and honor of having enabled me to finish the month of August. Appreciate the leadership and ability of our vision bearer to get all things done; thank God that you showed that you are with us.
This week, we zoomed our attention to the people who sweat for bread in a quarrying of Nganjo. JFM delivered food, and one person named Matia saw himself far from Jesus and decided to receive him as his personal Lord and savior. Very many youths got inspired and promised to make it right with Jesus. The Bible says there are those who plant, and there are those who weed and others, so I pray if they get a chance to hear good news from another person, my prayer is that they accept salvation.
It is empowering and encourages those who have lost hope. This week, our job has been to believe God to intervene in their conditions. We bless the Lord for August and welcome September to be a good one. Thanks to our partners for walking with us to see poor people loved worldwide.