If you have ever been hungry, certainly you know what it means to have nothing; this family...
Last week we were able to reach out to five needy families. Here are some of the...
Today, JFM visited a family of eight people with food relief, including rice, two sacks of posho,...
We found 64-year-old Maria, who lives at Bukuuba sharing a piece of locally made cassava with her...
Local cassava or yuca is a woody shrub native to Uganda. Although a perennial plant, cassava is...
Mrs. Olivia is a mother of seven kids who dwells at Ddewe village in Wakiso district. A...
Today JFM revisited one of the needy families at Nganjo village Wakiso district with food relief. This...
Thirty-six-year-old Rossetti is not sure of her children’s future. Each day that passes she gives glory to...
JFM today has clocked a month helping hungry people, and we are so grateful to each individual...
JFM has given out food relief to Bukuuba residents over time, and today Joyce, aged 65 years,...