Today I kicked off my day with a prayer, having had a bad day last week with undisciplined nonbelievers. God directed me to a hungry group of people who needed both the word of God (food for the soul) and food for the body. The home where I landed is where I found two kids whose mum was away a few minutes before my arrival when she had gone to borrow a half kilogram of maize flour.
I quickly sent the kids to go and tell her to come back that Jesus has come with 50 kilograms (110 lbs) of rice, and suddenly they went for her. They found her before she requested maize flour. When you want to borrow something in Africa, you first wait for all customers with cash to order; then, you can make an order with no money at hand. So in the situation, this poor mum was found before ordering maize flour. I told her how Jesus had sent me with a package of gifts as a sign of HIS love.
At her home, I found another family member named Calture (monkey). She was in her house resting, but when Jesus arrived, every creature knew that there was something new. Calture started waving her long tail, of course expecting something.
Speaking to Mrs. Akol about how she got this monkey at home she said ” I got this monkey 30 years ago, she was aggressive at first but later she became calm. I asked her how does she feed the monkey? Her answer was ” we feed the same food most of the time, but some times I give her yellow bananas.” Then, when she gets sick, I get her out, and she picks herbs for herself and eats them, so she nurses herself.” I gave the monkey sweets, which she enjoyed very much.
Others neighbors soon joined us to receive Jesus’ blessings of the day. Among the beneficiaries is Mrs. Akol, who cried after receiving free sugar and rice.