Moses is a 44-year-old man born with a disability and was also diagnosed with HIV/AIDS ten years ago after the death of his mother and younger siblings. Despite his desire to be accepted by his relatives and community, he has faced rejection and humiliation from his stepbrothers, who claim he is not their father’s child and that his HIV status poses a health risk to them.
Moses has been forced to change his antiretroviral drug pick-up point multiple times as he searches for acceptance. His health has deteriorated, and he now lives in a small quarter where he struggles to obtain his medication due to difficulty walking. Nevertheless, Moses felt loved and accepted when JFM visited him, as this was a rare occurrence.









Such a sad story about Kalindi Moses. I am so glad that JFM came to see him to day and show him some much needed love. Thank you Mathiew and JFM for being Jesus to him.