What is an alcohol-related liver disease(ARLD)?
ARLD refers to liver damage caused by excess alcohol intake. There are several stages of severity and a range of associated symptoms. ARLD doesn’t usually cause any symptoms until the liver has been severely damaged. Those patients with cirrhosis who continue to drink have a 5-year life expectancy of less than 70%, although this increases to 90% if they do not consume any more alcohol.
When JesusFedMe re-visits you, it’s all God-guided and Joy. In our previous video, we identified an older man diagnosed with ascites secondary to liver cirrhosis/liver disease. Briefly, ascites is Abdominal swelling caused by fluid accumulation, most often related to liver disease. After breaking the bad news of the diagnosis of liver disease, this older man lost all hope, and he narrated how he was awaiting his dying day. We went back to witness the love of Jesus to him and provide more supportive care with more food. JFM also got him a new bible and encouraged him to read the word of God. JFM cleared the medical bill of all his medicine for six months. I told him it is important to confess all your sins before God and repent; guess his reply….. “Even if I’m the most stupid person, I can not forget that at this point in life,” I ask God to forgive me wherever I went wrong and make me a new creature, he continued! We rejoice with this man. God sent us to give him hope where there was none.
We want to thank JesusFedMe and all its partners for reaching this far and going further. This man now has the hope of living because of you! He had given up on his life.