How beautiful and happy the world is without starvation. Jesus in Uganda is feeding the hungry people by providing food to those starving. The campaign is aimed to eliminate hunger, especially to people affected by the deadly Covid 19 following the total lock-down where people have lacked food and other domestic needs since they have been home not working.
JesusFedMe.com’s first day was held on 2nd August 2021, where he visited six families at the Bukuuba landing site in the Wakiso district. The community accommodates over 250 dwellers who were surprised by Jesus’ visit. JFM planted both the WORD and food smiles to them.
The second day of the campaign was in Lutembe, where Jesus visited a single mum of seven kids, and she was surprised by food relief, and a smile on her face was inevitable. So, Jesus is planning to do this to the less privileged people by providing food and other necessities to change life among people.