One month ago, we visited this family of over 20 children who live with their old granny. Today, however, the granny was away as she had gone to look for what the kids will eat. I found them preparing local maize only as their food. In Africa, we all know that maize(posho) alone is not food; instead, it is just an additive (filler) but not food. Yet, it’s what I found being prepared for these little kids. The first time JFM visited this family, I gave them two sacks of rice worth 110 lbs, but today, it wasn’t the case as I distributed the rice to everyone in the neighborhood. We realized that it is not good only to give or bless one family when others are looking with “WHY THOSE EYES”? so we provide all as long as they get an equal share depending on the total of family members.
Since we started three months ago, this ministry has blessed over 500 families, serving between 8 to 10 families per day.
JFM chooses to feed the hungry, loving them and giving them hope of JESUS. You can be part of this ministry, and you feed a family with food with the initial $79, which provides about ten families for a week.