The 68-year-old Juma, who lives in a small pitiful, stated house, was one of the beneficiaries of JFM. Juma, who no longer can afford heavy work due to age and care for himself, scooped rice which will see him smiling for the next couple of weeks. When JFM stormed the village, about 16 sixteen families minus older persons were under surviving on poor food rations. Residents fear that hunger will likely stretch further with continued heavy sunshine. Juma lives under a makeshift structure, which is not a safe place, but better than living outside.
We can’t leave this matter of going to bed without food unattended because we know how it feels to go without food. But unfortunately, the sad part of elder Juan’s life is that he has no relatives, but JFM is a relative to those with no family members, especially in times like this.
Thank you, donors, who make this happen. We are giving hope to thousands.