The article was written by Ignatious Sseremba (Iggy). Amazing Grace Church.
Greetings beloved,
I looked closely into the measures that could be taken to curb hunger in our communities. I later noticed that hunger is not famine. I am pleased to inform you that what we have here is not merely hunger but famine. Perhaps you could have learned about this earlier since famine is severe and prolonged hunger in a substantial proportion of the population of a region or country, resulting in widespread and acute malnutrition and death by starvation and disease.
In my opinion, the surest way of curbing famine would be simply sensitization on Agriculture and Livestock keeping. There’s a need to host these meetings with the victims to lay strategies on how they should overcome this misery. A pastor in the United States once noted somewhere in one of his books that “Every problem you have is a wisdom problem” therefore, by sensitization, we might open someone’s eyes to invest their time and energy into Agriculture and Livestock keeping.
Since famine is a definite sign of severe economic recession, one might sell off the surplus during harvesting season to meet other needs. The first time I was here, under the article “HUNGER WREAKS HAVOC,” I mentioned that we had too much hunger in our community and at our growing church. It was beyond measure when JFM said, ” Okay! “enough is enough” we came up with a weekly food program, which has been a success. Those that take meals with us are so happy and grateful. I pray that the Lord of Ibraham, Jacob, and Moses will deliver this nation someday.
I am so grateful to partner with JFM, especially on this matter, and am so thankful to our loving donors. I am so grateful to Christ Jesus, who unifies our labors and makes us work together to enlarge His kingdom and am so happy for the new souls that joined the queue recently under the umbrella of these programs. May the Lord bless you abundantly.