Greetings beloved, Following a long festive holiday that we’ve had, and now the time for school has...
Mashariki Childrens Home
Greetings beloved,This year, significant progress has been made in our community, with one standout blessing being the...
Greetings beloved, Written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Home Following the closure of the academic year...
Dear Beloved, In Uganda, a child is typically expected to start school at the age of 4....
Today, our beloved children enjoyed a day filled with swimming, roller coasters, a trip to the zoo,...
written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings Beloved, Yesterday, we recognized a need to...
written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashariki Children’s Home Greetings beloved,I hope this finds you well, Esther...
MASHARIKI CHILDREN’S HOMEP.O BOX 123958, KAMPALA. Written by Ignatious Sseremba (Iggy) Greetings beloved, I’m pleased to inform...
Dear Esteemed Friends, I am thrilled to introduce you to two remarkable young individuals from Nairobi, Kenya,...