written by Ignatious Sseremba, director of Mashiriki Childrens Home Greetings beloved,I’m excited to share some updates about...
Mashariki Childrens Home
Greetings, beloved, I am blessed to write to you once again. I thank the LORD for guiding...
Today, George William Balambula celebrates his 7th birthday. I call him a miracle boy because of the...
Greetings beloved,I’ve been blessed to be part of the gospel books distribution team for JFM. For quite...
Hasifah Namajja, a 13-year-old girl at the Mashariki Children’s Home, was admitted to the home program last...
Sarah is a 25-year-old woman who has been battling cerebral palsy since the age of six. For...
Greetings beloved,ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN Now that we have a children’s home and many kids under our...
THANK YOU JFM Greetings beloved,I am writing to express our deep gratitude for how JFM has improved...
Greetings beloved, I hope this article finds you well: JFM sent us many gospel books to assist...
Greetings, beloved, I hope this message finds you well and filled with joy. I am grateful for...