Today is one of the best days JFM has experienced. When we first went, people thought that JFM may be a political thing seeking a favor from the people. Many times people would degrade me, thinking I trade their photographs for money, many would refuse to take pictures, and others, like youths, would hate me for nothing. So often I would leave in shame and humiliation, but God was on my side.
My dad (Bill) would tell me whenever I face persecution walk away and tell them “Jesus loves you”. This helped me so to stop confrontations between them and me. Patience and love win, it’s now a year people are welcoming JFM like they would Jesus, and indeed it is. Today I broke out in tears after seeing people who used to drag me out now welcoming me, saying, “Young man, whoever sends you may God bless him, how did you know that we are hungry. Thank you so much, please”. I saw a lady opposite where I was serving crying, and I told her to send a child with a basket to get food.
“The fact is we are in tough times, food is very expensive you have perfectly come at the right time of need,” said a man who doubles as the chairman of the village. Thank you so much for feeding us, Thank you for reaching out to us who have life-threatening situations in a heartwarming manner. People are now appreciating JFM’s good deeds, and we bless the name of the Lord for this. We thank our dear donors without you, we wouldn’t be able to reach these beloved souls.
This small community was on the threshold of having no food at all.