Remember a time when women used knitted clothes during their menstruation in the early 2000 to handle their periods. Women and girls find it local to use ancient means to minimize their bleeding. But today, in our food deliveries, we added sanitary pads. Recently we have noticed that it is a challenge for many girls who, without a doubt, cannot afford any single piece of pad themselves. Without mentioning age, tall or short female gender flooded claiming for sanitary pads a sign which symbolized how pads are at a high demand amongst women.
We are happy to solve a problem of not accessing sanitary pads to young girls and women and we are thankful to our dear donors who make this possible caring for the female gender. However, single-handedly struggling for food, I face another hardship of meeting other basic needs for my daughters, said one of the mothers.
Though items like this are not part of our food deliveries, we have found it essential to many who can not afford such items. Needless to say, when food is scarce, other items become even more scarce.