Millions of children in Africa face the harsh realities of poverty daily, but with your help, we can change this by donating to fight child hunger in Uganda. You support crucial initiatives that can improve the lives of impoverished children in Uganda, freeing them from the hunger cycle.
Often, people in Uganda who are in need are the most underlooked. The government needs to set more resources to protect and provide for such people, so JFM fills in such gaps and supplies to help the most vulnerable. So many non-government organizations are doing incredible work in other parts of the world. We all have different reasons. Ours is to ensure Jesus is glorified in people by showing them practical love, like giving them food. We all know that children are tomorrow’s future, and every child deserves a childhood free from abuse. JFM is continuing to work to keep children safe from hunger.
When you donate to help, automatically, you have made a difference. We are only working because you presented and helped create a tangible impact in the lives of people experiencing poverty.
Many things can happen if you don’t help; first, close to 18 families will go to bed hungry, and 6 to 10 people won’t hear about Jesus Christ.
We thank everyone who partners with us to see Jesus glorified in the lives of low-income people. Thank you so much, dear donors; because of your selfless acts, today many have food; your generosity made someone today feel the love of Jesus, and your giving to someone today was encouraged and gave hope through the word of God. Because of your love, someone is smiling now. Thank you, donors.