When I was a child I was rejected just like most African kids during that age of childhood never been loved. We couldn’t get the opportunity to be loved, to play around, and relax we were in the cage of hatred. Every day was a tiring day of heavy works, after such long days, we had no chance to play or socialize and participate in a bit of mischief.
It really gives me joy to meet young kids and I give them joy because this is what I missed while a juvenile. Many people use their past to do evil but I am led by the spirit of God I use my past to do good. As much as a child might not be able to grow up with both parents, denying a child good times is not the best way to address the problem. It is more counterproductive when that child is treated right in fact if not treated well might lead to more problems. JFM loves children and is the priority, making sure that kids are happy.
Today JFM reached out to a family of ten kids with food relief. Most families make a very small financial contribution to the domestic budget. The shortage of money to sustain their livelihood leads to tension within such families. This explains why most kids go to bed hungry due to the above-mentioned factor.
JFM provides food worth $33 to a family and a cash note of 20000ugx, a Bible for elders, and one for kids. Kids are always catered to because we bring them their tastes like yellow bananas, sweets, fruits, and a variety of other items. We want to create a happy society by reaching out to such families in a special way.
You can donate $33 to help a family in need, we thank you and the family give thanks to Jesus.