On Monday, we kicked off delivery with an elderly grandma we found sweating while trying to find grains to eat that may have fallen in the fields. Afterward, we delivered to five families, giving around 20 lbs of rice each. Tuesday, our delivery was to a single grandmother who lives independently and advanced in years. In addition, we provided to four families that day. Respectively, Wednesday and Thursday were successful, as we reached out to 17 families. Depending on the families we visit weekly, each family receives anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds of food plus other supplies, such as spaghetti noodles, sugar, sweets for the kids, and feminine hygiene products. Note: we no longer show pictures with sanitary napkins so as not to embarrass anyone. Instead, we will hand those out separately, as they are highly coveted because the cost for such products is prohibitive in the families we reach.
Above and beyond our standard ministry of delivering food and supplies, JFM paid school fees for two kids, Eric and Joseph, one has an elderly grandmother taking care of him and the other is a child with medical issues.
A special thanks to donors who make a difference every week. We are ready for the big week again. Thank you.