An extremely poor family was struggling to survive another day. The youngest child lay on the bare floor, too weak from hunger to move, having not eaten since morning. The two older siblings sat silently by the side of the house, their eyes reflecting the pain of hunger and helplessness. Their mother, holding the youngest child, whispered words of comfort though her own heart was heavy with despair. She had no food to give her children or hope for the day ahead. In this moment of desperation, JesusFedMe JFM arrived, bringing both physical and spiritual nourishment.
JFM, moved by compassion, first shared the gospel with the mother, speaking words of hope and life from God’s Word. We reminded her that Jesus sees her struggles and cares deeply for her family. Tears filled her eyes as she listened, and her heart softened to the message of salvation. After praying with her, we handed over a generous food supply, a blessing she hadn’t dared to imagine. The transformation was immediate—joy and gratitude replaced the despair on her face.
The children, too, were overwhelmed with happiness as they saw the food and felt the warmth of love from the JFM team. Laughter returned home as the mother prepared a meal for her hungry children. It was a moment of unexpected joy and a reminder of God’s perfect timing. Through the kindness of JFM, this family not only received the food they desperately needed but also experienced the love of Christ in action, leaving them with renewed hope for the future.

A kid sleeping hungry