Yesterday people witnessed the hand of God upon their lives in a very strange way, many thought after Christmas no more to have a good meal, no more rice, and no more sugar, especially the poor people. God remains God He provides even when no one expects Him to provide, He amazed the people of Kyampisi village, who had finished everything entirely in their stores during Christmas time.
Many were found worried on their verandas, others under the shade thinking. We were 100% led by the Holy Spirit to reach out to such people. You can’t imagine how old folks felt after JFM showed up with food, it’s only a dead person who can’t dance, but as long you can breathe, no matter how old you are the joy of the Lord can make you shake. We fed many people, but two folks and one lame lady who was identified as Nakato really made our day. We felt, indeed, it was worth everything to travel that far and meet those people.
Indeed we ended a year in a very classic fashion am convinced this is our best-ever food delivery since we started, we really shared love, we really shared blessings, we really shared hope, name it, and we did what Jesus would have done. Nakato is a total orphan who lost both parents to HIV/AIDS, and so does she on special treatment of ARVs.
She crawls, but her intelligence is something I cannot doubt. With her physical appearance, one can a conclusion that she can’t even read. To my amazement, she knew how much I gave her and how to use it. I am convinced that she takes care of herself she just needs assistance in some hygiene areas.
JFM’s most notable humanitarian assistance to poor and destitute people has blessed many people, and God is really watching.