Chronic food scarcity in many parts of Uganda has led to heartbreaking struggles beyond physical hunger. The constant lack of access to nutritious food is causing people to act out of desperation, sometimes mistreating even their loved ones. Imagine going to bed night after night with an empty stomach—hunger becomes a physical burden and a burden on the spirit.
The reality of the following story is even more heartbreaking than words can convey. JFM encounters new faces, challenges, and fresh opportunities to share GOD’s love daily. Consider Sam, a five-year-old boy whose story illustrates the depths of this crisis. Driven by hunger, he cried constantly, even trying to sneak a bit of food at home. In a tragic moment of frustration, his mother lashed out, leaving him with a bleeding wound on his scalp requiring many stitches after being thrown against a sharp stone—all because he was hungry. Hunger is pushing people to such painful extremes.
Thanks to our donors’ compassionate support, JesusFedMe got Sam the medical care he desperately needed. Without this lifeline, he would have gone without proper nourishment and essential treatment, needs his mother simply couldn’t meet. Your kindness, along with God’s guidance, allows us to bring hope and healing—both physical and spiritual—to those in desperate need. Thank you for being part of this mission. God bless you all.
Note: We can’t share a picture of the boy’s injury because it’s simply too severe to show. The before picture will make you cry.