A typical Ugandan family maintains less than two acres of land, depending on the size of the family. Statistically, the average Ugandan woman has 5.8 children; however, some families have more children, as many as seventeen or more. As you can imagine, many crop yields can be consumed with such a large number of members. However, not many are fortunate enough to own pigs, goats, chickens, or cows, which would undoubtedly be an advantage to them. Hardly anyone owns a bicycle or a motorcycle making transportation difficult. Most people walk to distant areas for medication or any other form of service.
We thank our dear donors for their continued support of this ministry. We do all we can with the funds that we get to lift many out of dire situations. As we have said, our primary purpose is spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, but it’s hard to open a heart when the tummy is empty. We can’t thank you enough. Without you, we could do very little.