Jesus Fed Me can hardly believe what has been accomplished in six short months. We started with a plan to feed one family per day and give all the thanks to Jesus. We accomplished that. What began by providing food to single families turned into feeding around 8-12 families per day. We started with a food package of everyday items to feed one family for about one week. Each gift came with a note stating the food was from Jesus, who loves and cares for you. We don’t leave our name, and we say that we are merely the delivery person.
After about a month, a good friend gave us enough money to buy 100 bibles. We were so happy to provide bibles for families, including an adult bible and a children’s bible. We had bibles in Lugandan and English, giving one each to families.

When we are in fear and consumed with anger and burden, it can be difficult to release that. Jesus’s presence in us allows HIM to be present to those that are consumed by their suffering. Being present is the first step, and allowing Jesus to work through us the next. Praise God for you and Jesus’s mission for you.
After about two months, we concluded that feeding only one family per day wasn’t enough but that it would be better to buy 110-pound bags of rice and divide the load between all of the families into the small communities that we were serving. It has allowed us to average between eight to twelve pounds of rice per family on that given day. This has worked amazingly well for us. We were thankful for this new approach.
After we gave out all of the bibles, we decided that the bibles were too expensive, so we decided that we could reach more people with the gospel if we created our four-page gospel tracts. We know it’s essential to give the gospel with food. So, we bought JFM a laptop and printer and started printing our own. Now we can share the gospel with each food gift to everyone present. We are very thankful once again to our donors for making this happen.
We needed a car desperately. Our delivery guy, Mathiew, had to hire a boda boda (uber motorcycle) to deliver the large bags of rice to the needy daily. Imagine how difficult delivering ONE HUNDRED and TEN pounds of rice with two men on one motorcycle can be. So two of our donors bought JFM a car! We are amazed! Now we can buy all of our weekly rice and other items one time per week, save money and deliver as needed. We were extremely thankful. To date, we have given food to around 700 families, but hey, who’s counting? We only share this info so that our donors know what we are doing and keep us accountable.
We ran across a grandma that was being booted out of her house for non-payment of rent. This was outside of our regular work, but how could we let this happen? Let’s build this grandma a new home. You heard right, a new house. With a friend’s help, we could build a new house so that this grandma would never have to pay rent again. We are very thankful.
Two boys needed to go to school, but being from impoverished families, they could not afford to go. Uganda has no public schooling, so if you can’t afford it, you don’t go. So JFM provided the funds to go.
This past week we were told about a little boy that desperately needed an operation, and his dad could not afford it. He needed a miracle. We were so thankful to assist in helping this little boy receive his “miracle.” The boy’s dad could not believe it and is still thanking Jesus for the gift.
We are so appreciative to all those who helped us reach this six-month milestone.