Greetings once again, JFM family. I have a story to share with you today about abortion. We failed to come up with an appropriate name to call it in Uganda; some say criminal abortion, others unsafe abortion..but how unsafe, yet well-trained heartless health workers perform it?
I take this as murder. An innocent soul which has no idea of how life goes! Yesterday at 2 pm Uganda time, I received a client named Annet Nanyunja. She is married to a husband with two kids; due to financial constraints, she went to Kenya to work for two years, where she was tempted to conceive from another man, she got frightened on knowing about the pregnancy, so she decided to abort.
In narrating, she said she was worried about losing her dear husband, her so-called Kasibante, so she “had to” abort. Two days after trying out, she returned to Uganda thinking all was well. However, she noticed slight bleeding, not so scarring, so she decided to come to the hospital to find out the cause. As I was doing detailed history taking from her, I noticed the fetus wasn’t aborted, so I had to do an obstetric ultrasound Scan to confirm. Guess the good news… The baby was still ok, but the scan results showed a threatening abortion which we managed well by bed rest. I think the health workers in Kenya just took her money and lied to her that it was done. That’s my thinking, but God knew all this, so it was a miracle to tell.
So we had to engage the husband because this was not his pregnancy, he loved his wife so much, but he was so disappointed to the extent of crying. I gave him my time and attention, explained to him the importance of keeping this baby, and told him what if his mom aborted him. Would he get the chance to live on this beautiful earth? So he finally promised to take care of the pregnancy. The woman apologized, and the man forgave her.
Very many people in Uganda abort just because they lack the necessary information; they fear what to feed the coming child, so the intense worry makes them abort; some of them need a word from us, the health workers to keep that baby alive. Today, I introduce the “say no to abortion” initiative. We shall try to save these innocent souls from being scooped off forcefully from their mother’s wombs. Even if we save one every month, it’s worth the praise and testifying. Thank you, JesusFedMe, for all you continue to do; words can not explain how grateful transformed communities are!
We request your prayers as we talk with her, and we pray God has completely changed her mind.
Note: Dr. William was sponsored by Bill Wegener, founder of JFM, since age five. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments.