Hundreds of residents in some local communities here in Uganda remain in dire need of food. In the past months, the communities have experienced total food shortages, leaving people surviving on wild fruits and forced leaves. It is 5 p.m., and young kids are busy climbing trees to pluck wild fruits and traditional vegetables from the neighborhood for survival. The trees, at the moment, are the only food sources whenever a devastating hunger hits the families.
“We pick these leaves, boil them for a long time to remove bitterness, and use them to feed ourselves. So very often go to bed with only jack fruit,” says a mother. Children move to look for berries. When JFM arrived, we found some kids sitting under the scorching sun outside their dilapidated rentals and classically welcomed JFM.
It is indisputable that these kids have not tasted food for the last seven days, and they have no hope of getting food. So they were so thankful to see JesusFedMe once again. So many in this small community look like they are fasting, yet in a real sense, they have no food.
We are happy to feed such people who need food, we feel blessed to help God’s dear people, and we give endless thanks to everyone who donates to the ministry. Feeding the hungry is our joy in the name of Jesus Christ.