Angella’s life was a heart-wrenching tale of hardship and despair. She found herself living under a makeshift...
Bombo Road, a bustling and dusty thoroughfare in Uganda, is a microcosm of daily life in this...
On a typical day while we were doing food delivery, we chanced upon a group of children...
Jaxen had always been a wanderer at heart. His love for adventure and exploration had taken him...
Jesusfedme’s deep affection and care for those in need are truly remarkable. JFM’s love for the less...
Visiting Blessing is always a heartwarming experience. He was once an orphan, a child who faced the...
I remember the families we have blessed ever since JFM started feeding people. Some people live unpredictable...
We have been doing ours weekly since breaking what we have achieved in the entire week of...
Issues like illness and poor sanitation are all causes and effects of poverty. That is to say,...