What a day of celebration at JFM today. We were given so many gifts we could barely contain them all. That’s right, we were given hundreds of smiles and gifts of laughter and were overwhelmed with presents of joy. The Bible says, “it’s better to give than to receive. Today, we received far more than we gave.” We are still unwrapping gifts of joy in abundance as we are back home confident that Jesus showed up today. We truly understand the joy of giving, but the pure jubilation of seeing so many happy faces and healed hearts and knowing that the love of Jesus was spread gives us so much more than we can comprehend. Oh, what a Christmas this is.
Even more, this past year has seen its share of troubles, greedy people, unthankful and even some very cruel people, but if we shed light, opened up a small crack in someone’s heart, and helped to put a smile on that person, it was all worth it. And on a personal note: Mathiew and I are blessed beyond words for being chosen to do this glorious work. Yes, we received the greatest gift of all, and this is putting a smile on Jesus’ face. As we help the “least of these,” we have touched the ONE that gave them life.