Today the whole village flooded at the JFM serving point. This crowding exposed the delivery man to unnecessary risks since people were disorganized while serving food. The situation is dire for hundreds of people who have lost their morals, and a few were drunk. Yelling at our delivery man was something he was unprepared for, and the disrespect hurt him. Imagine receiving free food and then yelling at the giver. The massive flooding of people affected the serving procedures pushing one another; it was chaos, to be honest. Still, JFM turned the other cheek and made the most of a problematic situation. As a result, JFM felt forced to give out food intended for three days.
In the end, JFM is happy that all received food and Bible tracts; we thank God. JFM has helped thousands of hungry people with food assistance, moving distant places, including isolated communities.
Even though we lost two additional days of food, JFM is very proud of our delivery man that kept cool in a combative situation. Good job Local Mathiew.