How many of you know that love as a principle preaches the gospel besides signs and wonders?
With all kinds of evil happening worldwide, people are disappointed in life and broken into pieces by the world. So just because some try to smile doesn’t mean everything is well with them. To some people, “God bless you” can heal them because they haven’t heard any positive word in the year. Many people are seriously wounded. I have learned this by experiencing the few people JFM has exposed me to.
Again, I have learned that love expressed is more profitable than love not expressed. Love expressed has the healing power for those lonely and facing all kinds of challenges.
Revealing the love of God to flow through you to others is the way to go; broken people can only be approached through love and communicated rightfully. It is not okay to speak love when you don’t demonstrate it. So many people’s lips say the opposite of what their hearts say. True love like this of JFM is tangible and has changed communities. Today we have witnessed love as a powerful platform to soul winning and approaching people with passion, addressing them with love, and advising them in love.
On many occasions, you are offended by people, but those who frustrate you watch your life full of empathy and wonder why you don’t become angry, things which would have made you lose your sense you don’t give attention. This is because the love of God swallowed bitterness and anger.
Love teaches how to deal with the philosophies of life and is the only dimension we can present to this evil, dying world.