Every day during food delivery, I don’t plan a destination. Instead, I ask the Holy Spirit who directs me. Today, I encountered mourners who had just lost a loved one. I have never experienced this before today, but I gave them one sack of rice totaling 50 pounds. I left them wondering who sent us extra food during our time of need? Who is this young man that we have never met, and who sent him? Most assuredly, they wondered what timing, certainly someone felt the need and sent the rice to help during our time of grief. While others were mourning for having lost a beloved one, Jesus visited in that way by giving them food. I didn’t take any photographs at the funeral as it wouldn’t look good in the sight of elders according to the African setting. After leaving that place, I boarded a motorcycle uber called a boda-boda, with one sack of rice to bless others.
A bit later, I met a family with five children. I greeted them with food and tracts. They loved the Bible tracts, and each child could read. In addition, we left them with 50 pounds of rice and some sweets.