Greetings beloved, I am so pleased to share with you what just happened today immediately after our church service. We had a powerful service today, the spirit of God manifested in our midst. Afterward, we had prayer, and then we prepared a very delicious meal. Each one of us had a delicious plate of fine rice and beef plus a drink. I talked to a few of my people who said they were so happy to have a meal with us. By the way, most of these aren’t having something to eat at home.
We were 65 in number, and personally am so grateful my people are not moving on empty stomachs, Our partner, “JesusFedMe“ has played an important role in helping us fulfill the revelation of our ministry. It proves to everyone how much God loves his people. On behalf of our church, I want to thank JFM. But, I can’t sufficiently thank you enough!
God bless you abundantly.
Ignatious (Iggy) Sseremba

True Gospel of actions. This is exactly what Jesus would do! Thanks JFM and the donors for making this possible for the glory of God! Without u, these smiles would be nowhere!