Eight in every ten households in Uganda are either critically short on food or entirely out. Families, especially those in remote areas, have no food from a minimal stock, barely lasting for a month. As a result, children face severe acute malnutrition and may encounter it if no constant help comes in. Among the most at risk are the under-fed HIV and tuberculosis patients who are on potent daily drugs but lack a healthy diet.
Today we encountered Pascal, 78 years who lost his fingers to leprosy. He is also blind and vulnerable. Stagnant Pascal, everything finds him in one place, including the food package we delivered to him today.
Despite his being blind, Pascal only trusts one grandchild named Richard. He only recognizes him by voice, as seen when JFM gives him money and he asks, “How much did you give me?” I will tell my grandchild Richard to buy me posho, he added. He likes posho, so we included it to complete his favorite meal. There are so many people like Pascal, so JFM tries to help as many as possible.
Shout out to our dear donors, as they are making a difference in the lives of so many people.

This was a beautifully written article. It so nice to see that someone cares about the folks that can’t help themselves. God is honored when people express love through giving. Thank you JFM for all that you do.