We live in a world where the future is uncertain. Only our Lord Jesus knows what tomorrow holds, as He knew us before birth. With this in mind, it’s essential to maintain a prayerful lifestyle, as we never know what the next day will bring.
Three days ago, a married man with four children was tragically murdered while returning from the garden. He was brutally killed, leaving his family devastated and desperate.
At JesusFedMe, we don’t stand by when such tragedies occur in our communities. We respond quickly to offer help as Jesus directs us. When we brought food relief to the widow, who had been hungry and in tears for two days, she was overjoyed to receive the food and the good news. We glorify God, and our efforts encouraged her. Even though she is a Muslim, it was Christians that brought hope.
She was so relieved to see the food that, for a moment, it eased the pain of her loss. We keep her in our prayers, trusting in God’s protection. God bless everyone who supports these life-changing and encouraging projects. You are the true heroes of Christ. God bless you all.