Unless you have ever lived with a deadly disease then you qualify to stand before the public and tell a story, but if not you have not experienced pain yet. Jjuuko Eric a 17-year-old boy has lived with this condition since he was born, for 17 years experiencing such condition. Her mum had lost faith in him to live but JFM picked Eric in his worst time of disease, stinking and no one ever wished to live near him. It took someone with a huge heart to stay with him.
JFM started giving weekly medication to Eric to heal wounds that were all over his body. Eventually, we are seeing the results. Not just paying medical bills for Eric but also JFM pays school fees for him and he is currently in primary seven this year.
“I’m really thankful to God, I never dreamt of being like this, I had the worst skin and this could hinder me from playing with my kids. ” said Eric.

I am Pastor Eric From Pakistan
I am friend of brother Bill through Facebook. He recently sent help for flood victims to feed hungry Christians effected by masive flood of 2022..
I read Eric story and it brought tears in my eyes to see how beautiful work you are doing..
I am sending this message to encourage you that we deeply respect your amazing work and praying for you..
Pastor Eric Yaqoob
Thank you Pastor Eric. Be filled with God’s love today.
Thank you Pastor Eric, We give all the credit for anything that we do to the one doing it…Jesus Christ.