Shaban and Joeria are a married couple and residents of Namulanda A in Wakiso district. The two have been together for over 75 years and are childless. Taking steps to support older persons and less privileged persons during times like this is Jesusfedme’s priority so that it can make a huge difference to such persons. However, the reality is that the couple survives miraculously with no relatives, which leads to feelings of isolation and makes it harder for them to access the support of services they need. Within this mind, Jesusfedme wants to spotlight some of such people by extending a hand of help to ensure older persons have food and other necessities.
Shaban and Joeria live together in their small, single-room house where Jesusfedme found them and showered them with food relief, including yellow banana, rice, bread, sugar, groundnuts, posho, milk, among others which exactly they love most. Being aged, they love soft food.
Joy was witnessed after receiving food because the wife cannot walk, but a happy face plus a huge smile were inevitable on both. By adopting this approach, Jesusfedme aims to eliminate hunger and starvation for less fortunate people in Uganda and other parts of the world.
These two are worried about the land grabbers who have attempted to evict them from their small space.
We would love to extend our special thanks to our friends for making this happen. Thank You so much.