Granny Nabbanja Euzebia is an extraordinary 86-year-old woman whose life story reflects resilience, wisdom, and a deep faith in God. Born in the early 1940s, a time when education was a privilege few enjoyed, especially for women, she stands out as someone who defied the odds by learning to read and write. Many of her peers from that era were illiterate, but Granny Euzebia’s intelligence and thirst for knowledge set her apart. When the (JFM) met her, we were amazed by her sharp mind and her ability to engage meaningfully in conversations.
During our visit, Granny Euzebia shared a glimpse of her youth, recounting how she married in the early 1960s as a teenager. Life brought its challenges when her husband passed away in the 1980s, leaving her to raise their three children alone. Despite the hardships, she remained a devoted mother, maintaining a close bond with her children, whom she speaks to daily. Her story is a powerful reminder of the strength, perseverance, and love that define her generation.
What struck us most was Granny Euzebia’s love for God’s Word. When we shared a gospel tract with her, she read it eagerly and expressed great joy in its message. She spoke with clarity about the meaning of the scriptures, demonstrating her deep understanding of God’s promises. Already a believer, she reflected a mature faith, offering insights that inspired and encouraged us. Her connection to the gospel is not just intellectual but deeply personal, rooted in years of walking with the Lord.
Though our time with Granny Euzebia was brief, it was filled with joy and meaningful moments. Her cheerful spirit, warm hospitality, and love for people made our visit unforgettable. Living a simple yet fulfilling life, she exemplifies the beauty of a heart surrendered to God. Meeting her reminded us of the profound impact of faith, knowledge, and kindness. Granny Euzebia is truly a treasure, a beacon of wisdom, love, and hope for her family and community.
Granny Nabbanja Euzebia a very happy folk