Shared by Ignatius Sseremba, caretaker and pastor of Amazing Grace Kids Church
While we are working on numerous things right now, we gave out several beautiful outfits to our little children who are orphans and others under our care. Our package was composed of Shorts and T-shirts, which I believe are excellent for kids. Every one of these kids received four to six items, which I think can take them for a while, am pleased to inform you that by doing this, we gave them a chance to feel happy and loved and gain confidence so they grow the right way because they needed them anyway.
Allow me to thank you for letting us become part of this revelation. Thank you, Jehovah; thank you, Jesus Fed Me, for making all this possible. May the living God bless you abundantly.
–Ignatius Sseremba

New house, new beds and now new clothes. We at Jesus Fed Me realize that the gospel is just words if there are no actions and incomplete if orphans are not adequately cared for. We are happy to buy new clothes for the four boys living in the new home. We want them to feel special, like any family member, not an outcast, unwanted and uncared for. God doesn’t see us as orphans. He sees us as sons and daughters.
Websters Dictionary Description of Orphan: or·phan ˈȯr-fən. : a child deprived by death of one or usually both parents. He became an orphan when his parents died in a car accident. : a young animal that has lost its mother.
JFM’s Description of Orphan: A child close to God’s Heart.
Special thanks to our donors for making this day come to life. To think that just a few months ago, these boys were struggling to survive, going house to house looking for a place to stay or a bite to eat. They now have a home, food in their bellies, and nice clothes. With God, all things are possible.
James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

These are just a few of the new clothes.