Bombo Road, a bustling and dusty thoroughfare in Uganda, is a microcosm of daily life in this vibrant East African nation. Here, street vendors swarm passersby with an array of goods, their enthusiasm palpable as they offer ripe plantains and an assortment of local products. Alongside this lively commerce, shy and uniformed school children can be spotted, their young faces a mixture of trepidation and determination as they navigate the muddy path to and from school. Amidst this lively but often challenging environment, the JFM organization plays a crucial role, diligently reaching out to impoverished and needy families in these remote areas, offering not only the sustenance of rice but also the spiritual solace of gospel tracts. Bombo Road serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and hope that permeate the daily lives of the people in Uganda’s urban landscapes.