I want to share a heartwarming story about Nassozi Magret, a proud beneficiary of the Jesus Commissioned Retirement Plan. At 62, Magret, a member of the Amazing Grace Church, had a problematic outlook on life before she encountered Christ. She once expressed her despair by saying, “It would be better if God took my life.”
However, thanks to the assistance of the Jesus Commissioned Retirement Plan, Magret’s life gradually transformed. We helped her secure a rental home, which we arranged and paid for, and she now resides there comfortably. Magret has also become a part of our food program, receiving weekly groceries that sustain her throughout the week.
Sadly, she had lost her home due to a land dispute where someone deceived her, a situation that deeply saddened her prior to Jesus’ intervention. Considering her hypertension, we have taken an active role in her medical well-being, providing financial support for her healthcare needs.
Magret has been a valued member of the Amazing Grace Church for the past eight months. She decided to give her life to Jesus and found joy in her journey with the Lord. She is actively involved in her faith and is happily growing in her relationship with God alongside us.
We are grateful to God for the transformation in Magret’s life, and we extend our deepest gratitude to the Jesus Commissioned Retirement Plan for the incredible support that allows us to reach out and make a significant evangelical impact. Your generosity is highly appreciated. May the blessings of the living God abundantly shower upon you.
Warm regards,