Namakubi Ruth was a teenage girl full of dreams and aspirations, yearning for a better life beyond the confines of her village. Driven by hope and the allure of a brighter future, she left her mother and the small community she called home to seek work in Kampala. Ruth believed the city would offer her opportunities to thrive, just as it had for others she had heard of. But the reality was far from her expectations. Despite countless efforts, she failed to secure a job, and the harshness of city life soon began to weigh heavily on her. In her vulnerability, she fell into a relationship that left her pregnant, only for the man to deny responsibility and abandon her in her time of need.
With nowhere else to turn, Ruth returned to her village, carrying the weight of her struggles and the added burden of impending motherhood. Her return was bittersweet, as her mother, already grappling with poverty, now had to shoulder the responsibility of supporting Ruth and her unborn child. The air in their home was thick with despair, and hope seemed a distant memory. It was during this time of deep anguish that JesusFedMe (JFM) encountered Ruth and her family during one of our door-to-door outreaches. What we found was a household enveloped in misery, with hearts that had grown weary from life’s relentless trials.
JFM, as always, shared the message of hope, love, and restoration found in Jesus Christ. We spoke words of encouragement, reminding Ruth and her mother of God’s promises to those who are weary and burdened. We shared scriptures such as Matthew 11:28, where Jesus says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Also pointed to Psalm 34:18, which assures us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” These words of life and truth resonated deeply with Ruth, stirring her heart to believe that her story could change.
In that moment of vulnerability and faith, Ruth surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. She cast all her burdens onto Him, as encouraged in 1 Peter 5:7, which says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” With JFM’s continued support, Ruth began to experience the transformative power of God’s love and grace. Her decision not only brought hope back into her life but also began to restore her family. Ruth’s story is a testament to the faithfulness of God and the power of His Word to heal even the deepest wounds.