In the village of Bukuuku in central Uganda, there lies a young man named Sendege Alex, aged 26. JFM found him engrossed in the mundane task of washing his clothes at his small house. Despite the simplicity of the activity, it was evident that Alex carried the weight of heavy thoughts. His demeanor suggested a struggle, perhaps mirrored by the towering stack of rent bills that loomed over him.
During our conversation with him, JFM gently extended the message of hope found in the teachings of Jesus Christ to Alex as the words of encouragement and faith entered him. Ultimately, he embraced the good news and became a part of the more prominent family of Jesus today. JFM gave him a gospel tract and a Phillipian bible, which will help him study the ways of God more.
The donors who have supported us in reaching out to such people as Alex played a crucial role in making this miracle possible, extending a helping hand to a young man in need. Through their contributions, they became catalysts for change in Alex’s life, highlighting the profound difference that kindness and faith can make in the lives of individuals, even in the remote corners of the world, like Bukuuku village.